Mirror Box Films

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Exploring Our Favorite Characters

Who is your favorite fictional character?

Hudson Phillips: Indiana Jones

Colby McHugh: Yorick Brown, from Y: The Last Man

Monica Beard: Spider-Man

Alex Oakley: I don’t know that it can get better than Gustave H, a relic of a bygone world of civility, and also maybe polite madness, in Wes Anderson’s beautifully crafted European analogue in ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’

Jacob York: It has basically always been Magneto. He's just such an intriguing guy.

CK Love: Jessica Jones because she’s so anti-hero (in her own mind). Sherlock Holmes. Yes. All of them - but especially played by Jonny Lee Miller.

Who is your favorite sidekick?

Hudson Phillips: Bang Bang from The Brothers Bloom

Colby McHugh: Tim Drake’s Robin

Monica Beard: Kid Flash

Alex Oakley: When it comes to kickin’ it with protagonists, it doesn’t get better than Samwise Gamgee. That kind of friend is more valuable than gold.

Jacob York: Drywall from Scud the Disposable Assassin! A sad young man made out of zippers who found heroism (among other things) inside himself.

CK Love: Robin - Stephanie Brown. Watson in the new Sherlock on BBC and as played by Lucy Liu in Elementary. 

Who is your favorite villain? 

Hudson Phillips: Severus Snape

Colby McHugh:  Brick Top, from Snatch. Every monologue he has is just perfect. 

Monica Beard: Loki

Alex Oakley: THE MIGHTY MONARCH! Adult Swim’s Venture Bros. Had so many memorable characters over its 7 seasons but the shrill Malcolm Fitzcarroldo ended up having one of the most interesting backstories in the whole series!

Jacob York: Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid.

CK Love: Joker in the comics. Moriarty as portrayed in the new Sherlock on BBC, and played by Natalie Dormer in Elementary. 

Sum up your “origin story” in one sentence.

Hudson Phillips: After the death of his father, a preteen Hudson disappeared into movies as a way to cope. Now, as an adult, he makes movies that hopefully help the next generation do the same. 

Colby McHugh: Born as an accident (?), the youngest of four kids branches out on his own in hopes that he can find at least one decent story in his pop culture jumble of a brain. With great knowledge of dumb/useless stuff, comes great pretentiousness. 

Monica Beard: Born and raised in small town Georgia, turned to villainy post college graduation. 

Alex Oakley: A young boy discovers that you really can lie for a living if you do it on stage! (Or in office)

Jacob York: It was all over the moment he realized he loved the attention. 

CK Love: I was born to extraordinary parents with family gifts of clairvoyance, healing, and prescience, but I was kidnapped from a family picnic by an evil child who wanted a little sister. 

If you had to wear one character’s costume every day for the rest of your life, whose costume would you choose? 

Hudson Phillips: Speed Racer

Colby McHugh: The Dude. Comfort is key. 

Monica Beard: Wonder Woman’s (preferably the movie armor)

Alex Oakley: I value comfort over appearance in most environments so I’m gonna have to go with The Dude himself.

Jacob York: Who wears a lot of hoodies? I dress like Rocky during training montages, but without the fitness. 

CK Love: Batman’s. I like the cape and mask. Haha

Fill in the blanks while describing yourself: _________ with a heart of _________.

Hudson Phillips: Writer with a heart of even more heart.

Colby McHugh: Dog with the heart of a Cat. It’s a weird combination. 

Monica Beard: Goof with a heart of ball

Alex Oakley: Beautiful idiot with a heart of more idiocy.

Jacob York: Human with a heart of E-MO-TION by Carly Rae Jepsen. 

CK Love: Rebel with a heart of harlequin. 

When you look back over your life, what do you want people to remember as your defining character trait? 

Hudson Phillips: Empathy

Colby McHugh: I’m a simple guy. I just want to be remembered as a good hang.

Monica Beard: That I was always there for them when they needed me. 

Alex Oakley: I want people to think of me primarily as kind.

Jacob York: Empathy. Or good looks. Both?

CK Love: Fiery compassion with a sense of humor.